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Renox and Dennox - Fox and Dog Skeletons !

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Renox and Dennox - Fox and Dog Skeletons !

6 ratings

Spooky! Scary...? Skeletons?!

Renox and Dennox is a standalone skeleton avatar base which is based off of the Renou and Denny Avatar Base. It is usable on its own as a simple Skeleton Avatar, or as an Addon to Renou and Denny, to achieve the X-Ray effect the images portray !

To avoid any confusion !

This is an Addon AND an Avatar Base. It contains the Skeleton Avatar, which can work as a its own avatar base, with a prefab included of course.

HOWEVER, if you own Denny or Renou, you can also use it as an Addon, to turn your cute fox/doggo into a spooky scary skeleton version of itself, with the ghosting effect shown in the pictures! (Prefab included for that as well of course!)

General Information

Renox and Dennox just like Renou and Denny is pretty optimized. The statistics below speak for themselves, on its own it is rated Excellent ! If you're using it with Renou and Denny as an Addon, you will remain Medium! The model itself combines Human and Fox/Dog anatomy to achieve a logical bone structure that is accurate to the real world and to the original avatar as well, while keeping the original intent of a more cartoony style!

  • 8663 Polygons
  • 1.07MB Download Size
  • 8.83MB of Texture Memory
  • 5 Physbone Transforms

Unfortunately due to VRChat's limitations, clavicular movement is not 100% accurate, and using it as an addon may result in slight clipping at times.


  • A Unity Package (containing the FBX, Textures, Animations, Prefab, and whatnot.)
  • The Blender File, for any user to edit as they see fit.
  • The Adobe Substance Painter files.


Features :

  • Works in VRChat
  • Full Body Tracking Compatible
  • Quest Compatible (Quest prefab provided)
  • Easy to edit textures
  • Comprehensive UV maps
  • Compatible with Renou as an Addon

Terms of Use

You can :

  • Use the model in any social VR platform
  • Edit "Renox/Dennox" in any way you see fit for personal use
  • Upload a "Renox/Dennox" as public or private on VRChat
  • Commission somebody to edit the asset as long as both parties* own the asset
  • Use in Vtubing is accepted and encouraged

You can't :

  • Redistribute the model or parts of the model in any way
  • Claim ownership of the model or parts of the model
  • Use the model or parts of the model in a paid product
  • Sell the model or parts of the model, even if highly edited
  • Trace the model or parts of the model to make your own variation and sell it

*Both parties as individuals, if you are an entity such as a company, all individuals partaking in editing the asset must own the asset individually.

Strict No Refund Policy

As this is a digital product, we offer no refund for this product. A trial version of the avatar is available.

We will not be held responsible if "Renou" is used in any malicious way.

These terms of use are subject to change or revision. If you continue to use the site after any changes are made, you are deemed to agree to the changed or revised terms. By purchasing the asset, you agree to those terms.

Thanks to Kino for helping me with the pictures and video, check him out!

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Renox and Dennox have risen from the dead!

Optimized for VRChat✔️
8863 Polygons to spook you out!
Quest Compatible✔️
Including also a Quest prefab ready to go!
Blender Files✔️
Want to make it truly your own ? Go ahead!
Unity Package ✔️
A quick and easy setup, as long as you have the requirements! (Don't worry they're free!)
FBT Compatible✔️
Threaten and Scare! Free to move as you like!
MMD Blendshapes✔️
Let's dance, let's sing, Happy Halloween!
PDN Files✔️
Don't have substance ? No Problemo!
Mr Skelly Bones✔️
Doo Doo~
An Avatar Base AND an Addon✔️
Whether you own Renou and Denny, or not, you're bound to get a spooky skeleton, and it's got a bone to pick with you!
VRCFury Compatible✔️
Two clicks and you're done!
19.5 MB
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No refunds allowed


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